Quick Start
This page provides a quick introduction to Wavel and introductory examples. If you have not already installed, Wavel, head over to the Installation page.
Installing Open WA
Use this command to install the library for the first time and to keep the library up to date.
Argument list
-p, --port
Set the port for the api. Default to 8002
The easy API may be sitting behind a reverse proxy. In this case set --api-host in order to make sure the api docs and api explorer are working properly. You will need to include the protocol as well.
-w, --webhook
Webhook to use for the listeners.
-k, --key
Specify an api key to use as a check for all requests. If you add -k by itself, a key will be auto generated for you.
For more detail each argument use this command
Running on a server
If you're not running this on your localhost, you'll need to set the server hostname for the api-docs to work correctly.
The environment should be
Example usage for standalone should be
Webhook client
You can also set a webhook address to send all requests
Use webhook and securing server
In order to protect the API server, you must set the API key
The environment should be
Example usage for standalone should be
Last updated
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